Crumb - Genie
Crumb is an American psychedelic rock band of Brooklyn-based musicians.Their music is described as psychedelic slacker-romeld of "60s psych, loose jazz, and freeform indie rock into a soothing pop amalgamation. Others described them as psychedelic jazzy lo-fi dream pop.

I have already done a previous remake of the song "Locket" by Crumb in this website, one of their most famous singles.
This time, i am doing a full cover with all instruments and vocals of the song 'Genie' from their last album 'AMAMA'. Watch my performance video and then read the step by step production tutorial below!
The song starts with a synth arpeggio with an ABAB structure that repeats throughout the song.
I recreated it using two simultaneous sounds. In this remake I wanted to use only the Arturia Minifreak VST, to test its versatility. First, I used the following preset, with a more filtered sound that adds texture, listen to it below.

Crumb Genie - Keys 1
Afterwards, I added this other layer with a wider and softer sound with delay, listen to it alone, and then the two sounds together.

Crumb Genie - Keys 2
Crumb Genie - Both Keys 1 - 2
In the bridge, later in the song, I automated the following “bubbly” effect with an autofilter in Guitar rig 5.

Crumb Genie - Keys 1 Bubbly effect
At some points in the song a very high-pitched string sound appears, which I recreated with the following MiniFreak preset with a pitch oscillation for that lofi touch.

Crumb Genie - Strings
After the bridge, an organ/pad appears making two chords with the following preset, listen to it below!

Crumb Genie - Organ 1
In the final part we find two more organ sounds, the first one is quite standard, softer, listen to it here.

Crumb Genie - Organ 2
The second one is more aggressive and sharp, and this time I recreated it with the Arturia B-3 with the following preset.
Listen to it here, and then both at the same time.

Crumb Genie - Organ 3
‍Crumb Genie - Both Organs 2 - 3
Finally, there is a lead making a melody. I recreated it with the following preset, and I added Guitar Rig 5 with the following distortion/filter effect that gives it much more presence and aggressiveness, like in the original song. Listen to the difference between the clean sound and with Guitar Rig.

Crumb Genie - Lead
To recreate the drums I used Addictive Drums 2, looking for snare and kick sounds until I found similar ones with the following kit. I used the RC-20 retro color to give it a bit of saturation and a more lofi touch. Listen to the final result below.

Crumb Genie - Drum kit sound
The bass of the song has a standard sound that I have recreated using the JJP-bass from Waves with the following configuration. Listen to it here.

Crumb Genie - Bass sound
Finally for the vocals, crumb singer Lila Ramani uses quite a lot of effects on her voice, leaving the voice in the background blending with the instrumental.
I have recorded two vocal tracks, one normal and one an octave higher.
In this case I have used the Waves ReelADT plugin to give that “drunk” effect to the voice, listen to the verse below. I have also put sends to reverb and delay.

Crumb Genie - Vocal sound
In the chorus part, after the break, I have used the Goodhertz tremolo, listen to it without and with effects. Can you hear it in stereo?

Crumb Genie - Vocals without tremolo
Crumb Genie - Vocals with tremolo
And that's all! Thanks to the almost 100 supporters on Patreon as of today. Help me to reach that number supporting me to continue making all this free content on my Patreon page. Write me your feedback on YouTube too!